Monday, August 13, 2012

The All-Consuming Motherhood

I wish I could travel just a little bit into the future, so I could see whether I'm safe rolling my eyes at women who get pregnant and don't say a single non-baby-related word for at least the next year, or if that's going to be me too, and then I'll just look silly.

A couple of my closest friends / favorite Facebook posters had babies recently. One of them disappeared the instant she found out she was pregnant--it's been months now since she posted anything, on Facebook or her blog or Pinterest, that wasn't about babies or decorating the nursery. The other was still pretty normal during her pregnancy, but now that she's had her baby, she's almost as bad. My issue here is purely selfish; I just miss having them around as my friends. They rarely post now, and when they do, it's about something that I can only appreciate as a spectator. It's wonderful for them, and I am happy for them. But for me it's just kind of lame.


  1. Yes, you will look silly in a few years. Motherhood changes you in ways you can't understand until you've experienced it yourself. It happened to me, and just about everyone I know. It is like falling in love times ten.

  2. I guess we'll have to wait and see. :) I'm not disputing any of that. But I do know women who had babies and were still able to talk about other things, too, so I might disagree with you if you say it's guaranteed.

  3. The first year or two is pretty all-encompassing (if that's even a word). But I still think it's important to try to remember that you exist too. I'm sure they'll ease up on the baby talk eventually.

  4. It's consuming... especially for stay-at-home-ers because children are literally all you do. I actually break away to hang out with friends so that I can talk about anything normal besides children.
